Situation #1
-Merda Merda!! Shit Shit!!
O sangue nao para, the blood doesn`t stop!
Oh foda-se que vou morrer, fuck I am going to die!!!
Os seus olhos, his eyes, reviraram-se para cima, turned upwards, como os olhos de uma velha xama a entrar em trance, like those of an old xaman who is entering a trance.
Eu apertei o tourniquete, I tightened the torniquete.
O tecido branco virou vermelho.
The whiteness of his teeth was stained red.
Ele mordeu o labio inferior numa tentativa patetico de nao sentir a dor vinda do peito aberto.
The open wound on his chest pulsating like a second mouth gasping for air.
Fuck-I realised my mind was wandering- not even when my best friend is dying can I keep my mind in the present moment? The image of Cindy in front of me, on her kness, had jumped in my mind and I had followed it.
-Come On Man! Foda-se, Meu! Estas a ouvir-me!??!
I screamed these words, gritei-lhe estas palavras, to keep him conscious and to try and keep myself in the present moment, no momento presente, no Presente.
Pensei: se ja e dificil eu, if it is dificult for I, manter a minha lucidez, maintain my lucidity, Neste Momento, quao mais dificil sera para ele?!! For him.
I, Eu, looked around.
Vazio, nobody, nadie.
A sua mao, his hand- the hand of my best, o meu melhor, friend- grasped, feebly grasped, my blood-stained Pierre Cardin shirt.
Estava tranquilo, I was calm, simplesmente, simply, nao havia nada que eu podia fazer.
I, Eu, senti algo
felt something.
Comecou a chover
O sangue nao para, the blood doesn`t stop!
Oh foda-se que vou morrer, fuck I am going to die!!!
Os seus olhos, his eyes, reviraram-se para cima, turned upwards, como os olhos de uma velha xama a entrar em trance, like those of an old xaman who is entering a trance.
Eu apertei o tourniquete, I tightened the torniquete.
O tecido branco virou vermelho.
The whiteness of his teeth was stained red.
Ele mordeu o labio inferior numa tentativa patetico de nao sentir a dor vinda do peito aberto.
The open wound on his chest pulsating like a second mouth gasping for air.
Fuck-I realised my mind was wandering- not even when my best friend is dying can I keep my mind in the present moment? The image of Cindy in front of me, on her kness, had jumped in my mind and I had followed it.
-Come On Man! Foda-se, Meu! Estas a ouvir-me!??!
I screamed these words, gritei-lhe estas palavras, to keep him conscious and to try and keep myself in the present moment, no momento presente, no Presente.
Pensei: se ja e dificil eu, if it is dificult for I, manter a minha lucidez, maintain my lucidity, Neste Momento, quao mais dificil sera para ele?!! For him.
I, Eu, looked around.
Vazio, nobody, nadie.
A sua mao, his hand- the hand of my best, o meu melhor, friend- grasped, feebly grasped, my blood-stained Pierre Cardin shirt.
Estava tranquilo, I was calm, simplesmente, simply, nao havia nada que eu podia fazer.
I, Eu, senti algo
felt something.
Comecou a chover
At 1:54 AM,
El Chukustako Tiroleiro (¡ajua!) said…
very cool man, very cool
At 1:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wey estas son puras mariguanadas, pues ya saca pa la banda!
At 5:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
Why do dogs eat their poop? One reason dogs eat their poop is because it just plain taste
good. Another reason is it could be a vitamin deficiency. One other reason for the poop
eating is that it is an instinctual behavior in the wild to eat the poop to keep other predators
from tracking their movements.
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What do you think?
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